Summer Time, and the Learning is Easy

Oh, what do you do in the summertime?  Kids relax, play, imagine, create.  But can they increase their IQ? I have always believed that I could help my children’s IQ’s grow by […]

Chill Out, Mom

Sometimes it feels like being a mother is being in a continual state of crisis. Trying to toilet train my first child, I bought a little gumball machine.  I gave […]

Mommy Rage

You did it. You lost your temper and turned into a Hulk, a witch, fiery-dart breathing dragon, and you crushed your little loved ones’ spirits, you spanked their little bottoms, […]

The Shape of an Acorn Leaf

The first argument my husband and I had in our first year of marriage was over the shape of an oak leaf.  Yes, it was a stupid thing to argue […]

Criticism: Is it Ever Constructive?

The first argument my husband and I had in our first year of marriage was over the shape of an oak leaf.  Yes, it was a stupid thing to argue […]

Whose goals? Yours or Theirs?

In 1969 (I know, that was years before most of you were born.  It just shows my vast amount of experience), my New Year’s Resolutions included losing five pounds.  In […]

Sparkle Plenty

When my many children were little, Christmas was a big thing.  Money was tight (teacher husband, stay-at-home mom, large family), so many of our gifts were home-made.  Thrift stores, yard […]

Teaching Children the Joy of Gratitude

 Public Domain Thanksgiving will soon be here.  Originally a day dedicated to giving thanks to God for the many things we often take for granted, it has morphed into a day […]

The Heliotrope Effect

by Sharon Stay Brown When I try to grow seedlings in my shaded kitchen window, they don’t grow straight up.  They bend, growing long and spindly, towards the small amount […]