New Podcast: Micro Communities

In this short podcast, I explain what a micro community is and what you need to do to set one up.  I’ve included a micro community checklist in the Emergency […]

School Has Started. Help with Homework Angst

School is starting, and that means homework, an age-old source of angst for many families.  I remember crying as my father tried to explain algebra to me during homework help […]

Some Good Political News for a Change

After 31 months of Trump in the highest American office, political fatigue has set in with the sensory overload. So here’s some good news in the political world: California Governor Gavin Newsom […]

How to Avoid Red Flags for College Admissions

College admission officers read thousands – literally – of applications each year so they have seen all kinds of interesting scenarios. They carefully review applications looking for students who will […]

Measles and Mumps in College Dorms

College dorms, classrooms, and dining halls can be cesspools of germs and viruses. Students share drinks and hygiene isn’t always a priority – hence, remember dorm bathrooms the morning after […]