Did you know that more children (mostly boys) have been sexually abused by their Boy Scout leaders than Catholic priests?  Over the past 72 years, more than 7,800 Boy Scout leaders have sexually abused over 12,000 children. This is appalling and it’s a tragedy. Parents get their boys engaged with the Scouts with the hope that their children will learn honor, skills, and service with mentors they can trust. These boys took their oaths and pledged to be obedient and honorable; sadly, some of their mentors took sexual liberties with the boys and have ruined their lives.  

The Boy Scouts of America has filed for bankruptcy because of the hundreds of sexual abuse lawsuits, thousands of alleged victims, and dwindling memberships across the United States. Because the Boy Scouts corporation has filed for bankruptcy, alleged victims who had pending lawsuits will now need to file NEW claims in bankruptcy court. That means that these victims lose their rights to a jury trial where they give depositions telling their stories and force the Boy Scout leaders to defend their actions.  

These Boy Scout leaders are accused of fondling, showing pornography, and forcing anal or oral sex. Like victims of sexual abuse from Catholic priests, these children were (are) preyed upon by people they trusted. How can we protect our children from predators who manipulate the programs so they get access to them? Parents really need to be involved in all aspects of their children’s education and extracurricular activities.  Seems that being present is the best way to deter sexual predators.  And, we need to imprison sex offenders to set precedent that sick pedophiles will be locked away.  The Catholic church and the Boy Scouts of America should not protect their priests and leaders from punishment for their crimes.  
