Back in 2000, Jaclyn campaigned to move trick or treating to the Saturday before Halloween (Oct 31st). She wanted to be able to spend the day getting her costume ready, carving pumpkins, and then trick or treating with her friends until she reached the last house with lights on! Knowing that she had school the next day bothered her because she wanted to sort and trade candies with her sister and friends after trick or treating, and then sleep in the following day. 

Jaclyn reached out to local dentists, doctors, and assemblymen to get their endorsements.  She has a scrapbook full of these letters. After hearing that Halloween is not a national holiday but instead a social holiday so there are no laws to pass, Jaclyn rallied her friends to join her on the Saturday before October 31st.

At 12 years old, Jaclyn made fliers and posted them in her favorite neighborhoods so everyone would be prepared to pass out candy before Halloween. She was surprised how receptive people were to her idea and they indeed were there to pass out candy when she trick or treated on the Saturday before.

Almost 20 years later, Jaclyn’s idea is gaining traction.  The Halloween and Costume Association has started a petition and has almost 100,000 signatures so far. They claim that the date change to the Saturday before Halloween will be safer and stress free. Over 60% of children don’t carry a flashlight, which makes them twice as likely to be hit by car on Halloween night.
