Let’s face it, when donors endow coaches, their children get into highly selective colleges. Endowment=Bribery. The recent college admissions scandal just exposed the sloppy and desperate parents who went overboard to cheat and bribe coaches and admissions officers. But we need to stop looking away and deal with the elephant in the room. College admissions officers collude with coaches as they consider which students to admit every year.

According to Michael Dannenberg at the think tank Education Reform Now, wrote:

“Yale should recognize just how complicit it is in a corrupt admissions system. Yale and other elite schools implicated in the national college admission scandal want to portray themselves as victims, but really they’re co-conspirators. These implicit quid pro quo arrangements and tilted playing field admissions policies like the legacy preference and early decision don’t reward achievement, don’t promote diversity and are profoundly unfair. If just one member of Congress would force a vote on this issue, we could clean up a lot of the underlying corruption in elite college admissions.”

Read the rest at gakkomom.com!