If you’ve got a toddler or preschooler, finding quality childcare is probably an ongoing concern. Millennials spend more time with their children than any previous generation, and with their flexible work schedules, they need childcare that works for them. When my girls were toddlers, I set up childcare in my home so I could be with them yet still have the ability to work in my home office. By having childcare in my home, I customized a program that my girls loved and met all of my high expectations for academics, socialization, and exercise!

First, I created a curriculum that made learning how to read, do math, and play with science FUN! Then I added games, activities, and field trips.  Knowing what my girls loved to do, it was easy to create a monthly plan.

Second, I invited a couple of children (the same ages) to join my girls. Their families paid tuition, which paid for the teacher who ran the program – right here in my rec. room.  So, I got FREE childcare in my home! It was amazing. 

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