California Mother of the Year

The ideals of American Mothers, Inc.  began in the heart and mind of Anna Reeves Jarvis as she sought to heal the damage done to families caught in the conflict of the Civil War. By organizing a day of love and friendship across battle lines, this simple observance grew into the national holiday known as Mother’s Day for which American Mothers is the official sponsor.

The American Mothers Committee
& The Golden Rule

The idea of a Mothers Committee began in 1931 when Eleanor Roosevelt announced the formation of a nation-wide program for the better observance of Mother’s Day that would help dependent mothers and needy children. Sponsored by J.C. Penney’s Golden Rule Foundation, the Golden Rule Mother’s Day Committee established a fund to promote a “Golden Rule observance of Mother’s Day.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

By 1933, committees were formed in most every state and expressed the philosophy that “the truest tribute that can be paid to Mother is to share with others the love that she so generously and often sacrificially lavished upon us.” The funds established were distributed to local hospitals, homes for the aged, orphanages, churches and other welfare agencies to be used where needed most. Click here to read more about our Golden Rule Grant Program.

Hillary Clinton

Mother of the Year

By 1935, the American Mothers Committee of the Golden Rule Foundation gathered New York City’s notable citizens at the Waldorf Astoria where Sarah Delano Roosevelt, the Committee’s Honorary Chairman, presented Lucy Keen Johnson from Georgia as the first American Mother of the Year. The recognition of an “admirable” mother was made to provide an inspiration to the nation that would represent a mother’s unconditional love, inner strength, and courage.

Every year since, American Mothers has named an inspirational mother from nominees across the 50 states, District of Columbia and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico for this important honor.

Many outstanding individuals throughout America have also served as officers, leaders, members and supporters of this organization such as Sarah Delano Roosevelt, J.C. Penney, First Lady Mamie Eisenhower, Norman Vincent Peale, Congresswoman Lindy Boggs, Phyllis Marriott and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Today, American Mothers remains a valuable network and voice for the 85 million mothers in America and is committed to raising awareness about issues that impact mothers and children.  It’s purpose is exclusively charitable.

Nominations for  California Mother of the Year are open from Mother’s Day until September 15th!.

Submit a nomination here or for more information contact Dorothy DeVore at 

Honored California Mothers of the Year

From the Present – 1936


Jenny Cullumber


Vanessa Lopez


Ronné Wingate Sims


Simona Grace


Susan Tatsui-D’Arcy

2018 Sarah Wolfgramm
2017 Natalie Kjelstrom
2016 Amy Hoyt
2015 JoAnne Harris Michels
2014 Janna O’Bryant
2013 Renee Starr
2012 Beverly Nelson
2011 Karen Nelson
2010 Dianne Callister
2009 Myrna Condie
2007 Dorothy DeVore
2006 Marsha Saylers
2005 Lee Reid
2004 Wynne Bright
2003 Marjorie Taloe
2001 Elizabeth A. White
2000 Hollace Davids
1999 Gail Williamson
1998 Barbara Hoche
1997 Joanne Reeves
1996 Joyce Van Schaack
1995 Irene Blore
1994 Phyllis Hamo
1993 Virginia Keene
1992 Helen Young
1991 Frances O’Farrell
1990 Alyce Morris
1989 Mary Jean Brown
1988 Marion Malouf
1987 Lucille Turner
1986 Helen Gabrielle
1985 Martha Sellect
1984 Elizabeth Lightfoot
1983 Catherine Petty
1982 Jane Boeckmann
1981 Bettie Giesbret
1980 Phyllis Roberts
1979 Anabel Neufeld
1978 Josephine Dawson
1977 Mary Dorr
1976 Mietzie Lothian
1975 Josephine Massimini
1974 Hariett. B. Randall
1973 Jenie Hope-Chapman
1972 Lucy Guild-Toberman
1971 G. McChristion-Brown
1970 Vera Calder-Straford
1969 Phoebe Ellen Ashe
1968 Dorothy Johnson-Bacon
1967 Dale Evans-Rogers
1966 Annetta Vince Wood
1965 Meta Weir-Bruce
1964 Velma Hooper-McCall
1963 Elena Zelayeta
1962 Marie G. Sheranian
1961 L. Dean Petty
1960 Emerald Arbogase
1959 Lillian Harris-Mathias
1958 Ruth Hannaford-Weed
1957 M. Chapman-McMillan
1956 Mary Neagle-Ragen
1954 R. M. Gates-Overhalt
1952 Jessie Munroe-Reiner
1948 Gertrude F. Pederson
1936 Frances Smith