Being a mom takes a lot of energy- which then constantly has to be restored. One of the ways that we do that is through our nutrition. Nutrition is a huge part of Physical Health (more than most people want to admit)! Let’s face it, if we don’t feel well and have no energy, nothing else matters! And like my brother says:

So, if you are wondering, in your new coronavirus life, how to maintain some basic nutrition guidelines, here is some help! I’m going to call this “Nutrition in a Nutshell” (pun intended):

Forget everything that you’ve read about what diet to eat or not eat to be healthy. Often times the only people who benefit from you buying into those are the creators of them. Here is some truth:

Our bodies need certain nutrients to thrive.

Click here if you want more info about nutrients:

Besides oxygen (don’t forget your deep breathing) and water, the 5 basic nutrients that are needed are:





& Minerals

Notice that many foods give you multiple nutrients!

I’m very sorry to say that sugar is not one of them!!! *So try to get rid of your soft drinks and sodas!! (Gasp) I know!!

*And Sports drinks are only slightly better, so better get rid of them as well.

What should you drink, you ask? Water. Cold, refreshing, delicious water!

And if you just can’t learn to love plain water, *try to love flavored waters.

And if you still have to have your soft drinks, then try to drink them with a meal. * Your body can use the food coming in with the drink to neutralize some of the acids so it won’t have such a negative effect.

Just be aware of the amount of sugar you take in and try to reduce it where you can.

(If you want more info on why you should reduce sugar, click on this link)

Ok, enough about drinks . . .

Now because our post-modern diets are often high in carbs and lipids, we basically just need to focus on getting more lean proteins and vitamins and minerals in our diets. This means to be aware of the meats that we choose, and then add vegetables to everything!!!

Here is some visual help:

Red meats aren’t just fatty, they’re high in saturated fats. This is bad for your cholesterol levels. Eat these sparingly.

Fish, poultry and legumes are high in unsaturated fats. Eat these!

Then you’ll get the proteins, without the artery-clogging cholesterol.

If you want more information about how to pick healthy meats, try this link:

In Summary . . .

Remember, whole grain carbs, healthy lipids, fruits and veggies for vitamins and minerals, and heart-healthy proteins, with water to drink. That is the way to eat healthily. My mom’s advice to keep it colorful (especially adding greens!) is good advice. The more colors you can get in your meals, the more variety of nutrients you will be taking in!

A couple of final notes:

*Cereal: Unless you are eating Grape-nuts or Shredded Wheat, most cold cereals are not very healthy. So just pick the ones you like, and only eat them once in a while.

*Dyes: Food dyes have been linked to mental health issues (such as depression and irritability) and behavioral challenges (AHDH) among other health problems ( If you need to eat a treat, try some from this *list of treats with no added dyes that my dentist friend put together:

Now that you remember how to eat healthily, please keep in mind that emotional health is also important! Sometimes comfort food is needed for difficult emotions more than healthy food is needed for physical strength!

Good luck all you awesome moms! I know that we can choose to eat healthily and like I always say . . .


*Info from my friend Dr. Leif Nordstrom DDS