Sharon Brown


I was an Air Force brat, I’ve been married 56 years and have 9 children, 20 grandchildren, and 4 great grandchildren.  I worked in PTA as room mother, financial chairman and president, school choir secretary, and other school boards.  When my children were grown, I worked in the Tribology Lab of Loma Linda University, studying artificial hips and knees.  I was able to present research papers in Oxford, Rome, and other cities around the US, and have some papers published in scientific journals.  I have had articles published in magazines and written a blog on mothering for 3 years for California American Mothers.  I have been active in leadership positions in my church.  I went on a humanitarian mission with my husband to Chili for 1 1/2 years.  I have lost two of my children, one to crib death, one to suicide.  I’ve been a member of California American Mothers for about 7 years, on the board for 6 years.