Social Health

"Women's friendships are like a renewable source of power." Jane Fonda

Marjorie Pay Hinckley
“We are all in this together. We need each other. Oh, how we need each other. Those of us who are old need you who are young, and hopefully, you who are young need some of us who are old...We need deep and satisfying and loyal friendships with each other. ”

California Mothers Spotlight Gallery
Connect with other moms just like you!

Meet Chanelle Neilson!
Chanelle Neilson helps moms to Simplify Motherhood. She is the host and creator of the popular "Moms Who Know Podcast" and the author of the book "Parents Who Know", which is available in both English and Chinese. She loves sunshine, healthy living, and chocolate so dark that her kids say it tastes like dirt. Chanelle is the mother of 5 kids and married to her best friend. She loves helping moms take care of themselves and grow so they can take better care of their families.
If you want to connect with Chanelle, send her a message here.

Meet Lauraine Clark!
Lauraine is a spunky grandma who likes to be involved in everything . . . especially if it has to do with her 3 children and 12 grandchildren!! She has been a member of American Mothers since 2011, and is currently serving as the VP of Recognition, managing all the ins and outs of the Mother-of-the-Year. This fits right in with her personality because Lauraine loves people and planning special events has been a hobby of hers for over twenty years.
Retirement from the Aerospace Industry where she was a lobbyist to Congress and an analytical financial analyst, allowed her to develop a passion for becoming a problem solver. She also has a passion for music, art and sports which she shares with her family across the United States. Lauraine spends her free time teaching and speaking on "The Art of Bookmaking." She travels across the country teaching children and moms the importance of making memories and the value of keeping journals. It is not unusual to find her day filled with serving others and enjoying the opportunity to meet women throughout California that will have a lasting impact on her life. To her, it doesn't get much better than lunch with a fun friend.
Lauraine is positive and upbeat. Even when facing difficult trials she gives energy to those around her. She is active in her church and community and hopes to open an Educational Art Center . . . if she ever retires from American Mothers!!
If you would like to connect with Lauraine, send her a message here.

Meet Jenny Cullumber!
Jenny grew up on a dairy farm in Star Valley, Wyoming where she and her siblings spent their summers on tractors, swathers, choppers, and trucks.
She and her husband, Roger, have been married for 20 years and have “collected” many children along the way. They have had biological children, adopted children, medically fragile children, foster children, exchange student children, church missionary teens, children of friends, young extended family and more live with them throughout their marriage. They currently are the parents of seven kids (six girls!) who are 6-19 years old. Though many days are challenging, Jenny considers being a full-time mother the privilege and work of her life and truly wouldn't want to do anything else.
Jenny also loves to eat dark chocolate, go hiking and running, spend time in the mountains, and create beautiful things out of wood, flowers, or fabric--all of which can be done with little ones in tow. She also recognizes the importance of taking time away to have a good conversation with a friend or go for a head-clearing walk.
She is finishing up a degree in Public Health and is excited to share what she is learning with the mothers of California. She is a firm believer that taking care of our families means taking care of our own health as well, and that it takes a strong mom to have a great family!
If you want to connect with Jenny, send her a message here.