Should you consider a Coronavirus Gap Year?

Students born in 2002 are facing TWO WHAMMIES this year. First, they’re graduating high school without the pomp and circumstance that every senior class since WWII has celebrated. You know […]

Time to reinvent life as we know it

While we may feel like we were side swiped by the coronavirus and the disarray that the shelter-in-place order has caused us economically and socially, we should have known better. […]

Why we need more coronavirus test kits

Did you know that ER doctors in the Bay Area have received orders that they CANNOT give COVID-19 tests to all sick people who go to the ER? Only very […]

Projects give stay-at-home kids a purpose

With teachers scrambling to set up online classes; students doing minimal homework and not taking tests, finals, or standardized exams; and nobody leaving home for extracurricular activities, kids are getting […]

Can’t Get Hand Sanitizer? Make Your Own!

Can’t buy hand sanitizer because selfish people are hoarding them? You’re not alone. We couldn’t find hand sanitizers at any stores or online, so we made our own! It’s super […]

Donate PPEs to Frontline Workers

“Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!” — President John F. Kennedy Never thought I’d be citing President Kennedy’s inaugural […]

Protect Frontline Workers from COVID-19

Want to protect yourself and your loved ones from getting COVID-19? Of course you do! Will you do anything in your power to do so? Then STOP HOARDING and SUPPORT […]