Seems the media focuses on the hysteria that pipes out of the White House every day, and as a result, we’re not getting comprehensive coverage of what’s really going on in America. I was thrilled to learn that youth crimes have dropped all across the United States for 13 years. Now that’s good news!

Nationwide, property crime rate dropped about 7% and violent crime about 4% last year. In California, the youth arrest rate has dropped 86% since 1988. In San Francisco, arrests fell from 139 to just 16 last year, and they saw just 46 murders compared to 100 in 2007.

This historic drop in youth crimes and arrests comes 20 years after the fear of the “superpredator” teens that worried authorities. According to Mike Males, a senior research fellow at the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice in San Francisco, “It’s not just historic lows, it’s a historic chasm. It’s not even leveling out.” 

This trend of declining crimes among youth is now decreasing cases for young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 as the youth get older. Experts and criminologists have many ideas but no concrete explanations for the decline in youth crime. I’m just glad that across the US, youth crime and arrests continue to drop to historic lows.
